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A taste of England vs Europe

Updated: May 9, 2023

Like most iconic vineyards in Europe, we are set off the beaten track in a vast expanse of farmland that accommodates vines and apple orchards. Similarly, like the European vineyards, all of the grape varieties we grow and blend are cultivated across the channel. Our next unique evening event draws on this homogeny, providing a direct comparison between four pairs of distinctive wines alongside four delicious courses from our vineyard restaurant…

What to expect...

On May 26th Richard Bampfield, renowned Master of Wine, Cambridge graduate, French speaker, and frequent traveler across the channel will be our guide for an evening of exploration at the vineyard restaurant. Richard will be highlighting the unique quality of our small batch, hand-crafted English wines, by making on-the-spot comparisons and delving deeper into the hows and whys of wine production in both England and Europe. It’s a tasting like no other and we are secretly hoping to equal if not better the wines he recommends from our European neighbours.

On the night…

Like us, Richard is also passionate about sustainability, food & wine pairing, and independent retail. So this unique evening event, the first of its kind this year will provide you with a tutored tasting of both English with European wines alongside our delicious sustainably sourced food created by our amazing chef. Richard, also an expert on food and wine pairing, has helped us curate a mouthwatering evening menu that will provide a deeper understanding of how flavour and aroma can be enhanced when purposefully paired with distinctive wines.

Don’t miss out on the fun, join us for our first evening event of the year, on Friday 26th May, at 18:30, in our vineyard restaurant, Nr Modbury South, Ivybridge PL21 0TU, UK

Booking in advance is advised as we only have a limited number of seats @ £55.00pp


Calancombe Estate Wine Label
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